Recently, Hong Kong has been ranked in the list of Healthiest, Happiest and Most Expensive countries/cities to live in respectively:

Bloomberg Global Health Index - (outside of Top 50)!
World's Happiness Report 2017 - ranked #71
Economist Intelligence Unit, Most Expensive- ranked #2

On the same note, the city of Singapore is ranked #25 (but #1 in Asia) and #1 as the world's happiest and most expensive city respectively. Happy and expensive in correlation? Would be strange to think so.

Taken from STEM to STEAM: Science and Art Go Hand-in-Hand:

Dr. Jerome Kagan says that the arts combine the three major tools that the mind uses to acquire, store, and communicate knowledge: motor skills, perceptual representation, and language. He further adds:
“Art and music require the use of both schematic and procedural knowledge and, therefore, amplify a child’s understanding of self and the world.”