Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery

Many years back, the winner of the Oscar's Best Picture award, The Departed, was based on the Hong Kong flick, Infernal Affairs, however, the former's director when accepting the award paid a compliment to the latter (although he wrongly mentioned that it was a Japanese production).

The winner for Best Picture in 2016, Moonlight, has been said to be based on a number of Hong Kong movies. You can decide yourself here:

Excerpt from 'The side-by-side comparisons that show how a Hong Kong director influenced “Moonlight':

Wong (Kar Wai)’s influence on Jenkins is clearly seen in a video made by YouTube user Alessio Marinacci, which juxtaposes scenes from Moonlight against Wong’s Days of Being Wild (1990), Happy Together (1997), and In the Mood for Love (2000). Moonlight cinematographer James Laxton also told the Film Stage blog that there was a Dropbox folder full of images, including screengrabs from Wong’s movies, in preparation for the production of Moonlight.